Scuba Image

Ma photo
Montréal, Québec, Canada
- Résident actuellement à Montréal, Normand partage son amour de la vie marine au travers les photos de ces excursions de plongées sous marine. Il s’est spécialisé dans la photo sous marine par ces plongées dans l’océan Atlantique, la mer des Caraïbes, la mer Rouge et le fleuve Saint Laurent. Currently living in Montréal, Normand shares his love of marine life through the photography of his under water journeys. Normand has been specializing in the photography of the marine life in the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Red Sea, and the Saint Lawrence River.

dimanche 10 octobre 2010

Dans le fleuve Saint Laurent à l'ouest de Rockport, Ontario

Ash Island Barge

Plongée avec Paul et Jean, profondeur 103’, 32 minutes, 59F, 20’ visibilité

This square barge lies on a slope near shore.
There are two ways to dive this site. The easiest way is to using the mooring line that is in roughly 75' of water just above the barge. Descend the mooring line and following the yellow line from the mooring block down to the wreck.
The other way to dive this wreck is to enter upstream and drift onto it. From the upstream entry point, drift along for 12-14 minutes at whatever depth you like and then descend to 80'-115'. From there you will come across the mooring block, the yellow line leading from the mooring block and down to the wreck, or the wreck itself. This is the method most people prefer since there is not that much to see or do on the barge itself.

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