Scuba Image

Ma photo
Montréal, Québec, Canada
- Résident actuellement à Montréal, Normand partage son amour de la vie marine au travers les photos de ces excursions de plongées sous marine. Il s’est spécialisé dans la photo sous marine par ces plongées dans l’océan Atlantique, la mer des Caraïbes, la mer Rouge et le fleuve Saint Laurent. Currently living in Montréal, Normand shares his love of marine life through the photography of his under water journeys. Normand has been specializing in the photography of the marine life in the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Red Sea, and the Saint Lawrence River.

jeudi 20 janvier 2011

CARNET DE PLONGÉE - Normand – Bayahibe La Romana -

Deuxième journée de  plongée / Second day of diving 
ScubaFun Dive center: Melkior D.M.

A) Coca wreck 
Nitrox 21% - Diving time 44' - Depth 59'
Temp: 29c - Eau/water 27c
Vis.: 50'

B) Viva Shallow
Nitrox 21% - Diving time 58' - Depth 32'
Temp: 28c - Eau/water 27c
Vis.: 50' 

Note: the island of Hispaniola today comprises two states, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The Spanish 'conquest' of Hispaniola was a rather single-sided affair; there was no organized resistance, the Tainos on repeated occasions willing to negotiate and cooperate with the Spaniards. 


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